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Elaborate Egret Eggs

This update is a huge one, with 2 new large features: a completely new skills system and a secure trading system. Let’s have a look at what those are about and what other changes are abound…

Pilot Skills

For quite some time, we’ve had a placeholder system for pilot skills. We are in the middle of replacing it with a new skill system that should lead to far more interesting plane builds! We have a bunch of things we want to accomplish with this revamp:

1. Make each death part of a bigger journey: For many players, each plane death can feel like a complete loss. You play an little action game, you die and start over from scratch. What we want is for you to feel like each plane is part of your bigger journey and dying in a good plane gives your pilot a leg up the next time around.

2. Give players something to plan for/around: The previous skill system randomly gave you skills so there wasn’t really any ability to look ahead. You should be able to say “Hey, that skill looks cool. I really want to unlock that.” And then go for it.

3. Chunky, meaningful skill decisions: The old +1% bonuses just weren’t very interesting. We’d love people to pick skills that make a substantial impact on how they play the game.

Our first pass on Pilot Skills

So, we’ve removed the old upgrade interface you get when your plane explodes and replaced it with the entirely new Pilot School interface. Here’s what’s different:

The Timeline: Along the left hand side the screen is the timeline of your pilot career. This part is still WIP, but it will eventually show every date you’ve achieved each rank. These will be actual time, so you can track your progress over the entire period you play Steambirds.

Skill groups: To the immediate right of the timeline are the skill groups. A skill group is a cluster of multiple skills, but you can only ever pick one skill out of the group. A skill group must be unlocked by reaching a specific pilot rank so you won’t be getting access to everything all at once. Skill groups can have addition requirements like reaching level 20 on a specific plane class, so there’s a good chance that eventually we’ll move the requirements for plane unlocking into this UI as well.

Individual skill info: The details of a skill are shown to the right of the skill groups.

Pilot Rank and other info: All the way to the right is your pilot name, rank and info on how much more pilot XP you need to attain the next rank.

Respecing: Right now respecing which skills are active is completely free. We may change that in the future, but this is the current plan, and we hope to stick with it unless we observe that it is negatively impacting the game in some way.

Accessing the Pilot school in the Rebel City: If you have spare skill points to spend or you want to respec your pilot skills, there’s a new building in the Rebel City that will bring up the pilot skill UI.

State of the new system: A steampunk contraption just rolling out of the garage

The Pilot School is incomplete and experimental, but we are sharing it early so that you can give it a try.

Future plans

Our next big effort is balancing the current skills and fixing discovered issues as they come up. We’ll also be slowly adding new skills categories. Please don’t get attached to any one specific skill since they’ll likely change a bit as we have time to live with them and react to feedback.

What we’d love to hear from you:

Secure Trade

We are also adding the first version of a secure trade system in this release. It also isn’t complete, but here’s what we are aiming for:

1. Fun negotiation between friends and strangers. Trade should be a small conversation, not just a transaction.

2. A secure, stable part of the game. The game should handle the security and every transaction should be reliable. The economy shouldn’t explode due to bad economy design, real money trade (RMT) or duping.

3. Social gifting. You still should be able to help a friend. Money isn’t everything.

Our first pass on trading

We listened to your feedback (you can read the previous discussion here: The result is something that looks a lot like a traditional barter window. With a couple key adjustments:

How to use the trade system

Initiating a trade:

Making offers

Accepting the offer

Those are the basics of trade. Give it a shot and tell us what you think.

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