Site icon Steambirds Alliance

Whiffling Woodpecker Wings

The servers are still open for the private beta, and it’s been lovely seeing all you fine feathered friends online. We will be sending out an email to all newsletter subscribers with a way to get a way to get a key, so if you still want a key, be sure to sign up there ASAP! We look forward to welcoming more of you very soon.


There’s a lot of thinking and planning happening with the art team right now! We’re living in a conceptual wonderland; a rough concept version of the upcoming Rebel City rebuild has been implemented, it will inform the design of the final city we see in the future! In addition, the enemy portraits are getting sketched out with concepts popping up for your favorite bosses. You’ll have faces to associate with their taunting dialogue before too long.


Polish and Bugfixes


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